Forum: Why allow only latest HPB-issued tracker to log data for sleep-tracking challenge?

I refer to the article, "HPB runs out of fitness trackers after sign-ups surge" (Dec 18).

One issue that was brought up was how the Health Promotion Board (HPB) sleep-tracking challenge accepts sleep data from only the latest HPB-issued devices.

I have participated in HPB's Health Insights Singapore study for more than two years, and was issued a new Fitbit tracker in September.

I was surprised when HPB announced in October that third-party trackers could not be used to log sleep data for its sleep-tracking challenge.

I contacted the National Steps Challenge's customer care centre, which confirmed this. I declined an offer to collect the new tracker as I felt it would be a waste of resources for me to wear two trackers while depriving someone else of a chance to get the tracker.

HPB still allows the use of third-party trackers for logging steps and activity minutes for the National Steps Challenge. So it mystifies me that my Fitbit tracker, also issued by HPB, and which gives more detailed sleep information, is not allowed to log sleep data on the HPB app, Healthy 365.

There should be better coordination between HPB's different programmes and studies.

Prakash Menon

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