I grew up with majority blind spot, not Chinese privilege, says actor

What is Chinese privilege? A majority blind spot to understanding other races; an incomprehensible label to older folks; an issue better explained through social mobility; a non-starter given the Chinese community's history of helping other ethnic groups.

These were points raised by actor Tay Ping Hui, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations president Tan Aik Hock and lawyer Hee Theng Fong at a dialogue yesterday on the role of their community in upholding Singapore's multicultural fabric.

Mr Tay shared that having grown up in a Mandarin-speaking home and attended a Special Assistance Plan (SAP) school where he studied Chinese literature, over 90 per cent of his friends were Chinese - until he went to junior college and then national service.

"I was very comfortable, with everyone around me Chinese. I thought I probably didn't need to know about the other races," he said. "It doesn't mean I had Chinese privilege, but I must acknowledge I had a majority blind spot."

It was only after being called racially discriminatory names when living abroad that he realised how minorities in Singapore must feel, said Mr Tay, as he urged the Chinese community here to open their minds to understand other cultures and their views.

Law and Home Affairs Minister K. Shanmugam, who was at the dialogue, later described Mr Tay's experience as swimming in pools that are not very large. "We tend to meet people of similar social standing, of similar race, at work and so on," he said. "When you are part of the 75 per cent (Chinese), it's not easy for you to understand the disadvantages that minorities face, and you also may not realise the advantages of being part of a majority."

Mr Hee, from Harry Elias Partnership, said older Chinese Singaporeans would not understand the label of privilege. "I have many friends who transferred from Chinese schools to English schools and had to adjust to learn in English. There were also limitations in career development at that time; and a lot of people were disappointed and had grievances."

Mr Hee said the issues raised by proponents of Chinese privilege may be better addressed through the lens of mobility. "Look at, for example, the rich-poor divide. That happens in any country. It's not a racial problem, it's about meritocracy," he said.

"More importantly, we need a stable and harmonious society, without which majority advantage or minority disadvantage or whatever it is will just be empty talk."

Mr Tan said the Chinese community and its clan associations have been doing work on this front for some 200 years, with some setting up schools that opened their doors to different ethnic groups. "They looked at our country in totality, and put their resources together to contribute to society at large. There were no exceptions or privileges given to the Chinese," he said.

"The Chinese community has played a very active role in promoting racial harmony, but it is done quietly," added Mr Tan.

"It has become a habit and I hope this habit will continue."

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A version of this article appeared in the print edition of The Sunday Times on July 25, 2021, with the headline I grew up with majority blind spot, not Chinese privilege, says actor. Subscribe