Four myths and one truth about the freelance life

Contrary to popular belief, life is not a bed of roses when you are self-employed. But the sacrifices can be worth it, says Karen Tee.

According to the MOM’s survey in 2022, there are some 257,300 residents who are engaged in “own account work”. PHOTO: UNSPLASH
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I have been a freelance writer for a decade but till today, my dad is still not entirely sure what I do for a living. I know this for a fact because every now and then, typically during family dinners, he will ask: “Who pays you a salary?”

I understand that he comes from a place of concern, so I try not to get annoyed. To keep things light-hearted, I say I get to look forward to a stream of pay cheques throughout the month, instead of perpetually counting down to payday.

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