Go ahead quote me

Kanye West.
Leonardo Dicaprio.
Ethan Hawke.

I got rid of my phone so I can have air to create.

RAPPER KANYE WEST on fears that his cellphone was hampering his creativity

He sat me down, drew a picture of the planet, drew our atmosphere and said, 'This is the most important crisis facing humanity' and, from that point on, I really became not only fascinated with the issue, but also really concerned why we as a collective world community haven't done enough about it.

ACTOR LEONARDO DICAPRIO on how former United States vice-president Al Gore inspired his advocacy of environmental issues

When I heard they were doing The Magnificent Seven, I told Antoine, 'Look, if you don't cast me, we won't be friends anymore'.

ACTOR ETHAN HAWKE on teaming up again with his Training Day director Antoine Fuqua in the remake of the western

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A version of this article appeared in the print edition of The Straits Times on September 27, 2016, with the headline Go ahead quote me. Subscribe