Forum: Loud phone use on public transport will stop only when there's legislation

I have always been an advocate for public transport as Singapore has an awesome transport network.

However, I am finding it more and more unbearable to take public transport now due to the number of people talking on the phone loudly, playing games with the sound on, or listening to music and watching videos without headphones on.

How is it that these people think it is okay to do so? I find the noise stressful, and have time and again politely told people to refrain from doing so.

But just like how people cleared their trays at hawker centres only under threat of a fine, I feel legislation and enforcement are necessary to stop the noise as relying on basic decency does not seem to work.

Everyone deserves some peace and quiet on public transport and should not be forced to listen to another person's choice of drama or music. One man's music is another man's noise.

Chiu Hwee Hoon

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