On Trend

How to wear furry pom-poms on shoes and bags

Wearing the furry pom-poms as an accessory can lift an ordinary outfit


Pom-poms are everywhere this season.

Italian high-end fashion house Dolce & Gabbana had a mad riot of a heeled black boot covered in multi-coloured pom-poms for its Spring Summer 2016 collection, while high-street retailers such as Spanish brand Zara slapped the pom-pom balls on everything from bags to shoes to clothes.

But you do not have to wear the pom-poms from head to toe. Pompom keychains clipped to bags, for example, are a perfect non-committal way of incorporating the trend into your outfit.

How to style it or pull it off:

• Pom-pom trims on clothes give a laid-back feel and are more suited for weekends or vacations.

• To make the pom-pom trend part of everyday wear, keep it strictly to accessories such as bags and shoes.

• For a modern and contemporary take on the trend, make the pompom accessory the statement piece of your outfit. For example, accessorise a plain dress with pom-pom earrings or a clutch trimmed with pom-poms. Mixing pom-poms with other details such as a fringed dress would result in a look that is all over the place.

• For a more subtle interpretation of the trend, keep the size of the pom-pom small and on an unexpected part of your outfit, such as ankle socks or bracelets.

Here are some picks:

1. Blue mid-heeled sandals with pom-pom ankle ties, $53.90, from Charles & Keith

The dusty blue and faux-suede finish of these sandals will look great with a pair of white culottes or a midi-skirt.

2. Chirade crossbody bag in pink, $109, Aldo from Zalora.sg

A matching furry pom-pom in a muted colour transforms an otherwise plain shoulder bag into one that looks more luxe.

3. Pink lamb suede heels with orange pom-poms, $89.90, from Gripz

Dress up jeans or a black shift dress with a brightly coloured heel.

4. Socks with pom-poms on ankles, $15.90, from Mango

You could wear plain ankle socks, but having just one pom-pom on each sock will completely change the look into one that is quirky and cute.

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A version of this article appeared in the print edition of The Straits Times on September 22, 2016, with the headline How to wear furry pom-poms on shoes and bags. Subscribe