
Will devices that inform users on their water usage encourage people to save water?

One method already in place is making consumers aware of how much water they used in the current month, compared with the past two months or so. If they want to seriously take steps to reduce the total usage and pay less, the past figures are useful.

Peter Tan

An app or device that shows the number of dollars in water charges for that month would help people realise how much each activity costs... then people will know which activity is hurting their wallet and cut back.

Travis Lin

It would be good if every household could track its own water consumption through a mobile app. They can then take action if their consumption spikes or is above the national average. Perhaps those that go below 40 per cent of the national average could be given rebates or tax incentives.

It should be extended to electrical consumption as well, and it fits well with the Smart Nation initiative.

Philip Wong

Should discretionary right turns at junctions be abolished?

A resounding yes from me. I have been nearly killed by car drivers a few times at the junction because of this discretionary right turn. Twice, I was even honked at by cars turning into the road that I was crossing.

Lim Sait Kiat

If the population and vehicle sizes are still the same as 15 years ago, maybe discretionary right turns might work. But with an increasingly crowded road space and more impatient folks on the road, it's a recipe for disaster.

Kenneth Ong

No matter what system changes, there will be those who would want to beat it. Heard of beating the lights? Or not giving way at zebra crossings? Changing the law to be more punitive will be better for those intent on breaking rules.

Margaret Chong

Do away with it. Yes, there are bound to be idiots who beat the rules and make accidents happen, but doing away with it will reduce accident rates greatly.

Yue Ling

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A version of this article appeared in the print edition of The Straits Times on April 28, 2018, with the headline OnFacebook. Subscribe