How do you save and invest your money? Join the ST Invest poll

How do you save and invest your money? If you don't invest, what's stopping you from doing so? Join the ST Invest poll as we investigate the saving and investing habits of Singaporeans in order to better address our readers' needs. Answers may be use
How do you save and invest your money? If you don't invest, what's stopping you from doing so? Join the ST Invest poll as we investigate the saving and investing habits of Singaporeans in order to better address our readers' needs. Answers may be used in future ST Invest articles. -- ST FILE PHOTO: KEVIN LIM

How do you save and invest your money? If you don't invest, what's stopping you from doing so? Join the ST Invest poll as we investigate the saving and investing habits of Singaporeans in order to better address our readers' needs. Answers may be used in future ST Invest articles.

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